ASP VB Pets Sample

Building the Sample

In order to run this sample:

  1. Open the asp_pets.vbp project in VB and build asp_pets.dll. Then copy it to your Scripts directory (usually /InetPub/Scripts).
  2. Register asp_pets.dll by typing 'regsvr32 asp_pets.dll' at the command line from the Scripts directory.
  3. Compile and link into pets.xpl and copy pets.xpl to your Scripts directory.
  4. Copy pets.asp to your Scripts directory.
  5. Note: amzi.dll must be somewhere in your PATH or in your Scripts directory. We recommend you add your amzi\bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

Running the Sample

  1. Invoke pets.asp in your browser. This is usually done by typing http://localhost/Scripts/pets.asp