Frequently Asked Questions


Display Problems

Why is garbage left behind the mouse pointer as I move it across the menus and screen?

Java is not compatible with some mouse trails and non-standard mouse cursors. Try turning off mouse trails and using the standard arrow mouse cursor in your Control Panel settings.

Internet Deployment

Can I run KnowledgeWright knowledgebases under JSP or ASP?

For any internet programming environment you can use the KWI to interact with the KnowledgeWright reasoning engine. The KWI is a full-featured interface that lets the caller handle user input and display.

For JSP, you can start with the existing Java interface in runtime/java and adapt it to the JSP calling environment.

For ASP, you can start with the Visual Basic interface in runtime/vb and create a COM object to call from ASP.

User Interface

How can the user backup to a previous question?

For users who modify one of KnowledgeWright's runtime interfaces for Java, VB and Delphi, there are times when you want to allow the user to back-up to a previous question so that a new answer can be entered.
To do this you need to keep a list of the questions as they are asked. When you call:


the ACTION will be set to a term of the form:


Save each QUESTIONNAME as it comes up in an ordered list (e.g. vector or collection).

When the user wants to back-up to one of these questions call:


This deletes all the answers to the named question and all questions asked after it. This is necessary because a new answer to the question may lead down a different line of reasoning, and if the other answers are used, erroneous results may be returned.

Both the Java Servlet and CGI interfaces use the backup call when the user presses the 'back' button in their web browser. See and


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