/* Amzi! Miscellaneous Predicate Library This file contains library predicates that perform miscellaneous functions.

Note - requires that LIST.PLM be loaded as well.

  • compare_nocase/2 - case insensitive compare
  • force_ext/3 - put an extension on a file name
  • freeze/2 - freeze the variables in a term
  • get_flag/2 - get the value of a flag
  • melt/2 - thaw the variables in a frozen term
  • newcopy/2 - copy a term with new variables
  • set_flag/2 - set a flag to a value
  • */
    :- module(misc).
    :- export( [
         set_flag/2 ]).
    :- import(list).

    compare_nocase(Atom1, Atom2)

    compare_nocase/2 compares two atoms to see if they are the same words. Succeeds if they are, fails if they aren't.


    compare_nocase(Atom, Atom) :- !.
    compare_nocase(Atom1, Atom2) :-
      atom_uplow(Atom1, Low),
      atom_uplow(Atom2, Low).

    force_ext(FileName, Ext, NewName)

    force_ext/3 takes an atom or string FileName and file extenstion, Ext, as input, outputs a filename with the new extension as either an atom or string.


    force_ext(Name, Ext, NewName) :-
      % Backslashes are a pain in file names, so turn
      % off string esc before processing names, and then
      % restore it to whatever the user had.
      get_mode(string_esc, SE_Mode),
      set_mode(string_esc, off),
      ( force$ext(Name, Ext, NewName) ->
           set_mode(string_esc, SE_Mode)
         ; set_mode(string_esc, SE_Mode), fail).
      force$ext(SName, SExt, SNewName) :-
        string_atom(SName, Name),
        (string(SExt) -> string_atom(SExt, Ext); Ext = SExt),
        string_atom(SName, Name),
        force_ext(Name, Ext, NewName),
        string_atom(SNewName, NewName).
      force$ext(Name, Ext, NewName) :-
        atom_codes(Name, CName),
        reverse(CName, RCName),
        remove$ext(RCName, RCNameNoExt),
        reverse(RCNameNoExt, CNameNoExt),
        atom_codes(Ext, CExt),
        force$dot(CExt, DotCExt),
        append(CNameNoExt, DotCExt, CNewName),
        atom_codes(NewName, CNewName).
      force$dot([0'.|Z], [0'.|Z]) :- !.
      force$dot(Z, [0'.|Z]).
      remove$ext([0'.|Z], Z) :- !.
      remove$ext([_, 0'.|Z], Z) :- !.
      remove$ext([_, _, 0'.|Z], Z) :- !.
      remove$ext([_, _, _, 0'.|Z], Z) :- !.
      remove$ext(Z, Z).

    freeze(Term, FrozenTerm)

    freeze/2 takes the argument in the first term and converts it to a similar term, but with all the variables replaced with atoms of the form '_1', '_2'.


    freeze(Term, Frozen) :-
      newcopy(Term, Frozen),
      numbervars(Frozen, 1, _).

    get_flag(Flag, Value)

    get_flag/2 simply gets the value of a flag. It complements set_flag/2 which sets flag values.


    get_flag(FLAG, VALUE) :-
      flag(FLAG, VALUE).

    melt(FrozenTerm, Term)

    melt/2 takes a frozen term, and replaces the atoms of the form '_1' with unbound variables.


    melt(Frozen, Term) :-
      string_term(TempString, Frozen),
      string_term(TempString, Term).

    newcopy(Term, Copy)

    newcopy/2 makes a copy of a term with new variables. This allows you to manipulate the copy without unifying the variables of the original. No longer necessary, as copy_term/2 is a built-in that provides this function


    newcopy(X, Y) :-

    set_flag(Flag, Value)

    set_flag/2 sets the value of a flag, keeping a unique value.


    set_flag(FLAG, VALUE) :-
      (retract(flag(FLAG, _)); true),
      asserta(flag(FLAG, VALUE)).
    :- end_module(misc).